by Jeff Morency, Ph.D.
A. Babylon:
- What does it mean to be in "Babylon"?
- Why are the churches there?
B. Jesus:
- Seven reasons I know that "Jesus" is not the Savior's name.
- "Jesus" is a Greek name. Our savior was Hebrew.
According to Lew White, "Jesus" means "Hail Zeus" or "Praise Zeus", the primary Greek pagan god.
- Records indicate His name is spelled "YOD HEY VAV SHIN AYIN". Any first year Hebrew student can tell you that this does not spell "Jesus".
- The Scriptures tell us that the Father's name is contained in the Son's name. The Father's name is not contained in "Jesus".
- When Ken Thornburg of California tried to cast a demon out in the name of "Jesus", the demon said back to him "You can't cast me out in my name". Demons are terrified of Messiah's name and they hate it. A demon is not ever going to be named by it.
- You might be thinking that "Jesus" couldn't possibly be the name of a demon. Unfortunately I have personal experience to the contrary. I met a girl who was attending Awanas meetings wednesday evenings at a local Christian church when she was 7 years old. One day she started lying and telling horrible disgusting things to anybody that would listen. Her mother discovered this all started when she went forward at Awanas to give her life to "Jesus". She obviously got the demon. Her mother lived with that demon for 7 long years and had no doubt that it was the demon Jesus speaking thru her. I was warned 2 years after the fact that a 7 year old is too young to ask Christ into her life because children that young don't have discernment of spirits. They can't tell who they are inviting in. And, when you're only going by the name "Jesus", you obviously don't know what you're going to get.
- I met a man named David in a singles group in Monroe, Washington. David was married, but God told him to meet someone, there; ME. And thru a rather odd series of events, my boat wound up in Houston, Texas where David lives. When I went there to get it, David and his wife, Susan, told me this story:
· What does He prefer to be called?
"Before the teacher left, he said, referring to David and the Pastor calling Him "Lord"; they prefer to be called “Yahuveh" and “Yavehshua”. These are Sacred, Holy names. Do not disrespect or abuse them. If you do, the plagues written in the Book of the Revelation will be upon you".
David and Susan added "they are very powerful because they call directly upon God. And don't try to demand anything, but always ask "if it be your will" because you will get what you ask for and if it's not God's will, you could have the Revelation plagues upon you."
- My spirit testifies to the validity of these names. I know that I know that they put me directly in contact with my heavenly father. In contrast, the name "Jesus" never gave me the same experience, even though I had been a Christian for many years previous. I even met a lady at Camano Chapel near Seattle and mentioned that "Jesus" was never His name, and she replied, "I know that Jesus is the name of a demon".
- How did the name "Jesus" get into the Bible?
C. Lord & Adonai:
- Why does the Bible tell us that "The Lord" is our God?
- What do "Lord" and "Adonai" mean?
- What's wrong with using these names?
- What does God prefer to be called?
D. Prayer:
- Turbo-charge your prayer life by using our Heavenly Father's preferred name that puts you directly into that Holy place where Moses was when God told him to take off his shoes because he was on Holy ground. And, I always pray the way St. Paul taught the name of "Yavehshua". Paul never even knew the name "Jesus".
E. The Vision:
- If God the father came down to earth in the body of our Messiah, why did he have to ask permission, and furthermore, why was He denied?
- If God is "one" as the Scripture says, how can He be "three"?
THUMB: This finger is different from all the rest and represents the creation of Yahvehshua by Yahveh, in this case, a thumbs up, positive action. We know from the Scriptures that God is one and that He created all things that were created. Since we know that Yahvehshua existed eternally with His Father before the foundations of the Earth, it follows that time, itself, which we know is a created dimension, was created after Yahvehshua.
INDEX FINGER: This is the finger that points directions and therefore it represents the direction that the Son gets from the Father. Yahvehshua 's mission on Earth was to do the will of His Father who sent Him. He prayed often for direction so that He could know and do the will of Yahuveh.
MIDDLE FINGER: This is the longest finger and represents the power that Yahvehshua gets from The Father. As the Scriptures indicate, the power Yahvehshua used to heal, raise from the dead, etc. all come from Yahveh.
RING FINGER: This finger represents union, glory, and the glory of union. The two are inseparable in this context. This finger is where the wedding ring is worn to represent union with a spouse and the uniting is considered to be a glorious event. In the case of Yahvehshua, the union is in the form of sonship with The Father and the glory that The Father bestows upon the Son. The Scriptures tell us that Yahvehshua gets His glory from His Father, not from us. Therefore, if we want to glorify the Son, Yahvehshua, we need to glorify Yahuveh, the Father, because Yahuveh is the source of Yahvehshua 's glory. The ring finger also represents the union Yahvehshua has with his born-again servants and the spousal relationship we will have with Him after the wedding feast.
LITTLEST FINGER: This seems to be the most insignificant finger of all, but it's like a fuse in an electrical circuit. Nothing works without it. It represents the authority, that Yahuveh gives Yahvehshua. Without the authority to use His power, Yavehshua could do virtually nothing.
VISION SUMMARY: Yahvehshua was created by and gets His direction, His power, His glory, and His authority; all from Yahuveh, His Father. After all, Yavehshua did say that He and His Father are one. They are one in direction, having one source of power, one authority and sharing glory together. And, in case you might be wondering, because He has been given complete authority, Yavehshua is god of this planet.
F. Coming Out of Babylon:
- How can we come out of Babylon?
- What difference will it make?
G. Comments:
- By Paul Sides:
I simply break down the Latin prefix and suffix and it comes out to Earthly Pig. Understanding that "Jesus" is the pig sacrifice of Ishtar (Easter) the picture begins to clarify. And Easter is The Abomination that Desolates the Temple of YHVH see:
The Earthly Pig (Jesus) blood of Easter is on the alter of our hearts replacing the blood of the Passover Lamb (Yahshua) causing the destruction of the Temple of YHVH (our bodies).
For an independent discourse on these subjects, go to Paul Sides web site at