by Phoenix Isis and Jeff Morency, Ph.D.
The "SOURCE" of Rejuvenation, Rebuilding & Rebirth for mind, body and spirit.
The Phoenix is a magnificent mythical bird which, according to the legend, would fly unto a fire to be purified by flames and become reborn out of its own ashes, leaping from its funeral pier into the light, reborn and gloriously a-new.
Everything in our world is either being torn down or built up, disintegrating or rejuvenating, dying or rebirthing. We now have a choice of which of these will control the health of our minds and our bodies. By using the PHOENIX PRINCIPLE we can choose to improve our attitudes, rejuvenate our bodies and rebuild our health to be reborn into a new way of living with a healthy mind in a healthy body.
The PHOENIX PRINCIPLE has many different elements, many different aspects, and ways that it can be used and applied to accomplish its purpose. As an example, consider the redecorating of a house. There can be repainting, new plumbing, cabinets, flooring, etc. It's important that the painting be done before the carpet is installed and plumbing before the painting. And, so it is with the PHOENIX PRINCIPLE, removal of waste products, is done before the rebuilding and rejuvenating. The unbalanced or diseased areas are repaired and rebuilt before the life-force is re-energized.
The PHOENIX PRINCIPLE describes how targeted sympathetic resonant frequencies can assist the body in rebalancing chakras, replacing destructive attitudes, rejuvenating, rebuilding or replacing worn out or poorly functioning body parts.
We, now, have the technology to accomplish this,............................................. with the Harmonic Research Ray Tube and Megahertz Micro-Current products.
Delivering frequency into the body can simultaneously rebalance energy fields, improve attitudes and energize specific organs to stimulate, re-grow and rebuild until they are functioning at their optimum levels,
Everything has it's own natural resonant FREQUENCY signature and can be affected by external application of that FREQUENCY.....every emotion, every cell, every organ and every system in the body. We can target specific emotions, cells or organs by sending that resonant frequency signature thru the body to stimulate it with minute molecular motion. This improves cellular uptake and output, increases cellular metabolism and improves the body's own repair mechanism. This accelerated healing process, makes the body parts work better, faster and more effectively, without harming any of the healthy cells.
The PHOENIX PRINCIPLE is the relationship between resonance and its rejuvenating effects on biological systems. Also known as "Sympathetic Resonance" in physics, it operates by inducing a secondary resonance with an intentionally directed vibrational frequency. It describes how a targeted resonant frequency causes the rejuvenating effects of repairing, rebuilding and energizing.
It is easy to use the PHOENIX PRINCIPLE to rebuild and rejuvenate the mind and body with the Computerized Ray Tube. Simply enter your frequency, or customized program into the computer to target the area of interest, and press the "Run" button.
Experience the Phoenix Principle for yourself &
((((( TRANSFORM )))))
INTO THE SOLUTION with one of the Harmonic Research
RAY TUBE or MEGAHERTZ MICRO-CURRENT products on this web site.